






TANIOBIS Thailandの沿革

  • 1979年 タイのプーケットにて、Thailand Tantalum Company Limitedを設立
  • 1990年 ラヨーン県Map Ta Phut工業団地にタンタル生産工場を建設、製造を開始。同時に、会社名がThai Tantalum Company Limitedに変更
  • 1996年 バイエルの子会社であるH.C. Starck GmbH&Co.KGが同社の株式の過半数を取得し、社名をH.C. Starck (Thailand) Company Limitedに変更
  • 2006年~2015年生産開始、生産能力増強
  • 2018年 JX金属グループの一員となる
  • 2020 年未来志向の新たなアイデンティティを示すため、社名をTANIOBIS Company Limitedに変更し、新たなTANIOBISブランドで事業展開
  • 2023 現在、タイで唯一のタンタル生産工場として、タンタル一次材料粉末、タンタルキャパシタ粉末、フッ化タンタル酸カリウム(K2TaF7)、五酸化ニオブ(Nb2O5)を生産し、エレクトロニクス産業の成長を支えている


In my role at TANIOBIS, I oversee environmental management, specifically monitoring water, waste, and air pollution to ensure compliance with standards. Collaborating with colleagues from different departments has fostered a culture of teamwork and effective problem-solving. Our workplace is characterized by a lack of barriers, promoting a positive work environment that yields strong results. Additionally, I enjoy post-work dinners with colleagues, strengthening our team’s camaraderie.

Thunyarut Sukka - Map Ta Phut

I am part of the Project Engineering department, specializing in construction and improvement projects in accordance with the plan. This role has exposed me to a diverse range of tasks, motivating me to apply my skills and creativity to find innovative solutions to daily challenges. Collaborating with our project partners has provided me with invaluable learning experiences, enabling me to adopt best practices that benefit both my personal growth and contribute to TANIOBIS as a whole.

Kiatsayam Salodtaku - Map Ta Phut

I have been a member of the Supply Chain Management Department (SCM) at TANIOBIS Maptaphut in Thailand for over a decade. I find immense satisfaction in my work here, as the unwavering focus and do-it-best attitude of everyone consistently contribute to the company’s success, a sentiment I deeply appreciate. The familiar and supportive workplace environment fosters collaboration among colleagues at all levels, creating a harmonious and productive atmosphere.

Nuttaya Wachirapattarawong - Map Ta Phut

I oversee production engineering at our metallurgical plant. While we excel in this area, we maintain meticulous attention to detail in every production step, employing scientific techniques and effective people management to ensure a seamless production process. Daily challenges arise in problem-solving, root cause analysis, and collaborating with TANIOBIS colleagues worldwide.

Sattra Yangdee - Map Ta Phut